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I’ve made tahini using hulled and unhulled sesame seeds with my vitamix. The only thing is that I have to put a minimum of 2 cups of sesame seeds so I can use the tamper to push the contents down. Also—the big thing—is that my blender heated up pretty quickly so you have to watch out for that.
In terms of difference, basically:
Unhulled = more nutritious, more calcium, slightly more bitter, and brown in colour
Hulled = less nutritious, less calcium, less better, whiter in colour
Hope this helps and good luck making it!
Oh yeah, I also don’t soak my sesame seeds beforehand. And my unhulled has been in my fridge or 3 weeks now and still tasting good!
Thanks so much for the info! I think I might try a combo of hulled and unhulled!
I always use unhulled and I think it doesn’t make too much difference, the colour of the end product is still white, but much more nutritious than the hulled!
how but almond butter. last year i tried making almond butter. i bought raw almonds and put it thru my champion juicer and it would be so dry. any reason why?
Worley, I think you need to add some oil to it. Almonds are rather dry compared to other nuts. Maybe juice them, then run them through a blender/food processor with some oil till you get the right consistency.
Did you use your vitamix wet blade? Or do you need to use the dry blade container?
I always add some water to my tahini and almond butter otherwise they are way too dry for me!