Thank you so much queenfluff for sharing that awesome salt and vinegar potato chp recipe!!! BY ALL MEANS I ENCOURAGE EVERYBODY TO TRY THEM!!!!!!!!!!
I did a few things differently, they tasted seriously like cooked potato chips!!!
Step 1: Take as many Yukon Gold Potatoes as you can afford because you’ll be sorry if you don’t make enough of them. I certainly was. I cut them very thinly with a sharp knife, but you can use a spiralizer if you have it because this method was a lttle time consuming. They were thin little slices. Put them in a large bowl.
Step 2: Pour a few cups of raw red wine vinegar on the potato slices. You’ll need more vinegar depending on how many potatoes you cut. Queenfluff used apple cidar vinegar, but since I didn’t have that available, I used red wine vinegar. Just do what works for you. Shake some salt on them and let them soak for 1-2 hours. Longer soaking makes them more digestble, because the vinegar digests the potato starches and other things. The vinegar seems to be a key ingredient in the digestbility of the potato.
Step 3: Pour the vinegar off the potato slices. Save it if you wish, because if you make these alot, it will waste alot of vinegar. Pour 1/4 to 1/2 a cup of cold pressed raw olive oil on the slices, and toss them around a bit. Drain the oil off, as again, it will be a waste if you make these alot.
Step 4: Place the potato slices on a teflex sheet and dehydrate for 12-24 hours at 105 degrees, until crisp. I did 12 hours since I couldn’t wait, and man they turned out good.
I will post the recipe with a picture, they turn out so much looking like real potato chips! (Oh and tasting like them too!!!!)
All credit goes to queenfluff and wherever she found that recipe, this is awesome and you will be missing out if you don’t try these!!
I just made sweet potato crisps for the first time last night and they are delish! I used dulse and some olive oil to season them and they are so yummy and crispy…
I LOVE raw chips! It’s truly amazing we can eat potato chips like the rest of the world and still be RAW! :-)
Glad you enjoyed them. Everyone seems to have a taste for potatoe chips lately – we talking about them at a raw potluck last night.
I don’t deserve any credit for this – The recipe is from Alissa Cohen’s Living on Live Food Book. :)
Yum! Those sound wonderful! Thanks!!
Question to all:
I don’t like vinegar at all. In fact, I don’t even like to be in the same room with it, I can’t stand the smell. I realize I could substitute lemon juice, but lemons are so expensive these days! Organic lemons cost 85
Yes, you can smell and taste the vinegar when dehydrating and in the chips. What kind of taste are you looking for? For marinating, there are several things you can use. Vinegar, lemons/limes, nama shoyu, olive oil.
You could make a marinate out of olive oil and some lemon juice or lime and water and add whatever spices you want. Like if you want bbq chips – add like a bbq seasoning or chiptole.
If you don’t want to use vinegar, lemons/limes than I would do an olive oil spice mixture with a bit of water to make it more liquidy. The thing is you can’t just use water really. You need something else liquidy to add some flavor.
The vinegar/acid is what breaks down the potatos and ‘cooks’ them without destroying the enzymes. I can use lemon juice, I know it will work, it’s just very expensive these days. I was hoping for something else.
Thanks for letting me know the vinegar taste and smell remains. That will save me an experiment.
Hmmm. I don’t buy raw pickles but I make my own sauerkraut. I may be able to use some of the juice from that. Thanks, Strawberry. That’s a great idea!
I think I’ll make 3 batches: 1) Lemon juice 2) Sauerkraut juice 3) Just a little lemon, oil and spices
I’ll let everyone know how they turn out.
I am not sure what you mean by the vinegar “cooks” the potatoes. Are you talking about removing the starch? If so, you can do that by soaking the pototoes for 2 to 3 hours first and than marinating.
“Longer soaking makes them more digestble, because the vinegar digests the potato starches and other things. “
The acid breaks it down a bit.
I have heard that vinegar or lemon juice will actually “cook” fish too.
Sorry my post should say “soaking the potatoes for 2 to 3 hours in WATER”. In one of my raw books, the recipe for potatoe chips is to soak in water first to remove the starch.
so the potatoes don’t need to be soaked first in vinegar? yay!
Just in case you all weren’t 100 % sure that I am mental, here goes : I don’t like potato chips! If someone could direct me to a great tortilla chip recipe though, I would be forever geatfull! :)
Luna blu – try these ones. I used regular corn since I didn’t have purple. They were really good and SAD eaters agreed!!…
lalala – Well, the vinegar is more of a “marinade” to give the chip flavor. You can use other things to marinate. I think you might find the chips a little bland if you don’t marinade in anything. But yes, apparently, to remove starch – you water soak.
i was planning on putting the spices on afterwards, but didn’t want to use all that vinegar to marinade. i will likely put some olive oil, sea salt and herbs on when i finally dehydrate them. i have so many recipes to try i haven’t gotten around to these yet!