Is the body…
Give the body what it needs to fight. You wouldn’t go into war without guns, fists, knowledge, etc. Eating any kind of crap to me is very counterproductive for someone who is trying to achieve health and wellness.
I just felt like sharing this. Because at work people mention flax seeds is the “cure” for breast cancer or this is the cure for that. When in fact it is the body that is the cure. example superfoods, raw foods, living foods are tools for the body to use to fight disease, infection, what ever ails you.
People search high and low for the “cure” when they cant see it because it is right in front of them… it is them!
You have that right Worley. Somehow puts it in perspective. Thanks
Absolutely! I share this with my patients all the time—give the body what it needs and it will heal itself raw food and movement, movement, movement—the human body was made to move!
So so true…well said.
This is exactly why I say one diet isn’t right for all. It’s about metabolic balance, finding the balance for you.
Thanks for posting – I agree. I think if more people just took accountability for their own health and became willing to give their bodies what they really need, there wouldn’t be nearly the amount of sickness there is now. When I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and doctors were telling me “It is incurable; you have to take insulin for the rest of your life” and things like that, I knew they were wrong. I couldn’t accept it. My inner response was, “No! That doesn’t make sense! There is no reason my pancreas would just shut down and never work again – if you give the body what it needs, it will heal itself.”