Hello from Alberta, Canada

Hi! I’ve been checking out this site enjoying the great recipes and reading the forums for about 2 months now, and it feels like I know you all! Thought I’d better introduce myself. I was pretty much forced into a raw lifestyle because of environmental poisons I’ve been collecting in my body over my lifetime reaching deadly levels that pretty near killed me about a year ago. My digestion ceased working and I lost weight at a frightening rate. I started seeing an Environmental Physician and have been on the rocky road to recovery ever since. I came upon some of Victoria Boutenko’s writings on green smoothies, got real excited about it and started searching the internet on raw eating and found this awesome site! All I have to say is that everything about this website rocks, including all the people involved in it!


  • hey welcome to rawdom! Yo I’m in Alberta too! Here I thought I was the only one round these parts. I hope your feeling the raw glow!

  • Raw_ChocoholicRaw_Chocoholic Raw Newbie

    Welcome to the site!

    Is that your cat? I’ve got a fluffy black/white one too.

  • Thanks for the welcome, dreaminraw. Raw glow? Yeah! :) ...I know that I feel so much better now than a year ago!

    Thank you to you, too, Raw_Chocoholic. The cat is actually my daughter’s but she says he’s more mine because I spend more time with him than she is able to. His name is Max – thus the handle I’m using “Max in a tux” :)

  • hey im in alberta too! just moved to calgary…

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