Prepairing for long term Master Cleanse

The day after my 40th birthday, I am going on a one month cleanse. I have done MC before and I am sure I can do this. I decided today. My MC doesn’t start till March 9, but I want all the bases to br covered. I may go longer. I will be letting my Dr. watch this and so I will see him once a week. He has done this cleanse after he has seen what it has done for me. He just wants to monitor my blood pressure and blood sugars. He said that he will only ask for other tests if he thinks it looks like I need it. Well, I am getting ready.


  • RawKarateGirlRawKarateGirl Raw Newbie

    Wow!! good luck!! and keep us posted.

  • Good luck! That is great! What an amazing decision, really taking ownership of your health!! I cant wait to finish 10 day… can barely imagine 30! You are a rock star!

  • Planning on starting one on March 1st…hoping to make it to the end of March, will keep ya posted…

  • coconuttycoconutty Raw Newbie

    Awesome! Good Luck. I’ve done one MC for 30 days. It was cool, I was so proud of myself afterwards, not to mention I felt great!

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