at peace

Do all of you have a true sense of peace within you on the raw foods diet? I have noticed that I feel much more centered…


  • I’ve made various comments before about the fact that I’ve lost my edge…I no longer have the anger I’ve felt in the past…There is a sense of peace which is welcomed at this point in my life…Sometimes it causes issues at work due to the highly competitive environment but I just can’t muster up the hostility I once held…So yes…there is a “centering”...

  • my edge has nothing to do with hostility, but rather with the acuteness of my senses.

    raw foods definitely help me keep my edge.

    my center and my inner peace are not contingent on diet or other circumstance.

  • Definitely notice a more balanced and positive outlook on everything when I eat raw, along with clarity, serenity, and more energy!

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