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so WHY is raw food a no-no for breast feeding women?

omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

saw this on celebs looseing their baby weight and found the one sentance damning raw food for breast feeding moms (with no reasons to back it up) very irritateing! moms…thoughts?



  • jenny2052jenny2052 Raw Newbie

    i’ve definitely seen recommendations to go into raw food slowly at first if breastfeeding because any toxins released during detox can be released in breastmilk. but it makes no sense to me why they would say not to go vegan.

  • pianissimapianissima Raw Newbie

    that makes sense. you don’t want to detox (esp. quickly, as with raw) WHILE breastfeeding. ideally, you’d want to be “clean” before getting pregnant, to make the cleanest “home” possible. HOWEVER, if you have been raw for a while, that’s the BEST place to house a baby!

    silly abc…

  • TomsMomTomsMom Raw Newbie

    Nonsense. It’s okay for mothers to keep shoveling in bad foods with the idea that they will be poisoning their unborn infants if they eat HEALTHY? Your body will not pump “toxins”from de-toxing into breast milk. It can only hurt your baby if you’re indulging in real poisons—drugs, metals, etc. Anyhow, this “expert” in the article gave no reason for this no-no on raw foods(as you stated). This is just clap-trap for frothing fans to read. Don’t worry.

    SORRY! I didn’t mean to snipe at anyone! I’m just disgusted by the article! I’m sorry.

  • apparently the source (Keith-Thomas Ayoob) is a big supporter of dairy, so it’s not surprising that he’s editorializing when giving his response. very unfortunate. but hey, dairy has the $ so he probably has some personal incentive to keep promoting it. for example, in a Q&A i found, the advice he gives to a teen vegetarian is to substitute meat with “cheese, tofu, beans, eggs, and low-fat dairy products is key.” He states again “Dairy is especially important, as [the new vegetarian] is in the peak bone-building years.” grossssssssssssssssssssssssssss! and what i hate is
    also in that article about celebrities—he makes eating raw sound like a fad diet…

  • Being a person who went raw while breastfeeding (and grew a above average, well-nourished baby because of it) I see absolutely no problem with eating raw for yourself and your baby. To not eat raw is stupid advice, really. Deny your baby the best in nutrition? I think not! There is also evidence that breastmilk has protective components against toxins going to the baby. Check out the research done on Inuit people who are in a state of high toxicity…somehow their babies are okay.

    That said, I think this is something that you need to decide for yourself.

    Victoria Boutenko has been my mentor on my transition to raw. Here’s what she has to say about rapid detox:

    “I think that a too rapid detoxification happens not as a result of an all-raw diet but rather a consequence of inadequate fiber intake, especially when consuming large quantities of juices.”(she is very much against the use of juicers)

    I recommend reading this page on her site: http://www.rawbc.org/articles/allraw.html

    She also makes a reference to the lack of the proper amount of stomach acid as being a cause of the rapid weight loss, and suggests getting that checked out by a doctor if it’s a possibility for you.

    Good luck.

  • Have you seen this documentary? jinjee has had a couple of totally raw pregnancies..

  • TomsMomTomsMom Raw Newbie

    I love Jinjee; she is so awesome!!! She is my heroine of raw:-)

  • The only reason I could think of would be gas. I remember my doctor telling me certain raw vegetables were the cause of my daughters terrible gas probs while bf’ing. Namely cabbage, kale, broccoli, etc. Things like red peppers can cause upset stomach in baby too via breastfeeding.

  • Wouldn’t making those into smoothies – i.e. – liquifying in the VitaMix – help with diegestion? Alternately taking HcL – it seems like that would take care of the gas.

    Also, thanks for this thread. I’m transitioning to raw and am breastfeeding, so I’m researching all I can about how fast I can make the transition. I’m very much wanting to go all raw, but am concerned about dumping toxins into my breastmilk.

    Does anyone have any links to other sources for research on the topic of dumping toxins? I eat a pretty healthy diet now, but of course I have no idea what lurks in there waiting to be dumped, and I’d rather be safe than sorry.

  • the more I think about it the more i think its total nonsense. While doctors would advice against a raw diet- mainly because of fear (do the majority of them even know what a raw diet means??) the same doctors would prescribe highly potent painkillers to the mother. They prescribed me something once, warning me it would be excreted into my breastmilk and to notify the doctor immediately if the baby reacted. About the toxins- sure some toxins may be excreted into breastmilk going raw- but the very same breastmilk- after a few days of detox- would help nourish and heal your baby. Modern medicine does not give the human body enough credit.

  • i dont believe that raw is a no-no for breastfeeding mothers. i’ve been nursing my son for 27 months and our family enjoys a mostly raw diet. Kate Wood is a huge inspiration.

    See: http://www.shazzie.com/raw/articles/breastfeedi…

    as well as Jinjee:


  • My son is doing fantastic!

  • have_merseyhave_mersey Raw Newbie

    I suppose it depends on how toxic you are, how slow you should go.If you eat extra fiber and drink extra water it would rid you of most it though(Water and vegetable fiber, ah what would we be without you).

  • Paxton SquiggledyPaxton Squiggledy Raw Newbie

    Breast feeding women should not go raw? Sounds like misinformation to me.

  • Shazzie also breast fed her daughter, and I believe is still doing so.

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