Vegan from Boston

Hi guys,

I’m a 21 year old college vegan. Everyone knows me as ‘the biggest health-freak,’ so naturally the Raw lifestyle really appeals to me. I eat as much raw food as possible, and the only things holding me back from a complete raw food lifestyle is the fact I do not have a lovely dehydrator, nor do I have a vitamix. My blender stinks, and infact it smells like it is burning sometimes. Hopefully by this summer I will have enough money to buy these appliances. I don’t know if I will ever go 100% raw, because I travel a lot. I’m going to India this summer, and then next fall I’m living at Kripalu, a yoga retreat center for 4 months. They have wonderful vegan and macrobiotic food, so I will probably just eat like that when I am there. But, I just wanted to say hi!!


  • hello miss mushroom,

    I am also a college student who is vegan. I was a raw-vegan for a year and a half and then I switched back to being just vegan due to expenses. However, I have found that there is gredat raw-vegan food at health food stores that carry dehyrated and smoothie foods. Also, it is great that you are determined enough to going the whole way…good luck!

  • Welcome, fellow Bostonian!

  • Hi guys!

    I am also a college student in the Boston area. I was wondering if you guys would like to meet up sometime. I’m kind of just getting into this raw foods thing. I’ve always been a vegetarian though. It’s kind of hard being social and doing this at the same time. Please let me know if you would like to meet up sometime.

  • A big HELLO from a fellow almost-completely-raw-college vegan!! =] Although I’m in FL…you know, the retirement state…lol

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