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Flax in smoothies

ZoeZoe Raw Newbie

I’ve been putting 1-2 tbsp of flaxseeds in my green smoothies. Is this enough for my full daily dose of omegas or should it be more…or less?


  • heathermarsbombheathermarsbomb Raw Newbie

    In Cousens book he suggests at LEAST 2 tbsp. daily. I was just reading Conscious Eating last night and came across the info….

  • I find that too many tablespoons of flax in a smoothie ends up making it more like a pudding!! Also, you should be grinding your seeds or using milled flax for best absorption.

  • It’s great to grind them to get all the nutrients, but having some whole ones are great too, because they act like a stiff broom to sweep out your colon.


  • ZoeZoe Raw Newbie

    they get ground up in the blender, I can’t ever see a whole or even part of a seed in my green slush.

    thanks guys ;)

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