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My daughter has Pneumonia...

She’s nine and we finally went to the doctor this morning after 6 days of on and off fever and dry cough. I don’t believe in giving OTC medicines, I have been bathing her, ice packs, and lots of sleep. I have been giving her soups, and fresh juices as well as an herbal echinacea/lemon balm supplement, and I just started colloidal silver three days ago.

I know this is not a medical site, but I was wondering if anyone had any information about giving children silver or could direct me to a resource. Or any other recommendations about what I could do for her. I told the doctor about the silver and she said she’s never heard of it!! HOW can this be? I don’t have the money to go to a doctor outside our plan. AND she told me to feed her chicken soup and yogurt.

The worst part is my family is giving me such a hard time about not giving medicines. My mother-in-law actually told my nine year old daughter that I was tricking her about the medicines and she should be taking them.

I’m so stressed out about seeing my child so uncomfortable and I have no support. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!


  • raw mama, I know exactly how you feel.
    You might want to read my article on babies and children here: http://www.loverawfood.com/articles/article/483…

    For now keep calm. I find Young Living’s RC very helpful for pneumonia. As a home remedy that helped my first son who always used to be sick I used a old swiss method of making a chest compress with onions. Yes I know it smells. But it helps. Slice or chop 1 onion and put it in a cotton cloth and fold it into a little package. Crush the package with your palm to release the juices and them put this on the chest for 15 mintues or longer if your daughter is OK.

    Fresh garlic and ginger grated and mixed with raw honey is excellent too.

    Let me know if you need further help.I send healing energy your way.

    Love and Healing

  • Fatma, if you are going to give your daughter colloidal silver, you must be careful. Too much can create a permanent skin condition called “agyria” in which the skin turns permanently gray. I don’t know of any sites that provide info about providing CS to kids, but if you do try it, you must take her age and size into consideration. I would try to speak with a trusted naturopath before you do it. That said, I have used a spray called “Wellness Shots” which includes CS and herbs that has helped ward off colds. The percentage of CS is fairly small, and may be o.k. for kids. Still, I would definitely speak with a professional who has experience with CS before going forward. Best of luck.

  • Sorry, Fatma! I was addressing rawmama. Of course, I’m really addressing everyone on the forum, but you know what I mean.

  • elizabethhelizabethh Raw Newbie

    i’m no doctor, but i’m going to give you some general advice on healing, in that the most healing foods are wheatgrass juice, garlic, and dark leafy greens. these may or may not heal pneumonia but i’m almost sure it will help.

  • Just a thought, have you tried taking your daughter to a homeopathic specialist rather than a doctor? Doctors of medicine never ask you about anything but the child’s weight so they can dose them up, regardless of the illness. They don’t ask about diet or activity, etc. A homeopathic specialist will treat the whole child and respect your views on meds. Just a thought.

  • Hey skyespice~ my daughter’s name is Skye! I would love to take her to a homeopathic specialist, my problem is I have no idea how to find one in my area (if there are any in my area) and the cost. It’s tough enough paying my insurance plus $40 co-pays every time. I wish there were (affordable) insurance plans that covered this sort of thing.

  • The raw garlic and ginger is an excellent idea. If your child would tollerate it, I would add a dash of cayenne. The spices will help liquify secretions and bring them up. Try this juicer recipe… lime, ginger, and a few slivers of jalapeno, mixed with apple or carrot as a ‘buffer for her tender stomach (and to keep it sweet for her). I do this myself when I feel conjested. It works great.
    Dairy was a horrible recommendation, as it will actually increase mucus production. Shame on your doctor, when even a nurse knows better than that!
    A warmed ‘soup’ of juiced garlic, diluted in warm water with some added parsley and sea salt to add flavor (and electrolytes) might also do some good.

  • Raw mama, I use homeopathy with my clients too. If you want to contact me I will do a free consultation for you. My gift to you.

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