OK, I took a pregnancy test (3 of them actually) Friday because I was 1 day late and was having strange cramps. So it was confirmed today that I am with child. Are there any raw foods I should stay away from? Are there any I should pay special attention too? My OB appointment is in a couple of weeks. I am about 3 weeks and a couple of days pregnant. Do you know when the morning sickness will kick in? I have been taking prenatals for a week now. They have 720% of the daily value of B6. I used to love drinking ginger root tea but now the thought makes my throat want to close! I have only been eating small portions and fruits and veggies. I did break down and have 7 ruffles potato chips (bad I know). Any advice from all you parents out there is welcome. I am kinda scared. Is that normal? And I cried at the end of Little House on the Prairie this morning and I am NOT a crying type of person. THANKS!
Congrats!! I do not have any official medical advice for you, but I would suggest to listen to your body. The baby will tell you what he/she needs through your cravings. My SAD eating cousin is pregnant, and she has been disgusted by meat the last few months… I love that her baby is vegetarian!
Good luck to you! I hope you have a happy healthy pregnancy!
Thank you! I was just hoping that too many green smoothies would not be bad! For that is all my stoamch seems to be able to handle!
Aw, you’re having a baby! Fret not. The important thing is you take well care of yourself… meaning diet. When I was pregnant my diet was so horrible. I failed at having a homebirth because of this.
One thing I ate daily was half a pint of icecream. The whole bloody thing. Terrible. Now I hate icecream cuz I ate so much of it. If I only had the knowledge I have now, I wouldnt be this fat! It’s true.
Congratulations RAWmen!!! Having a baby is the single most exciting, scary, wonderful and fulfilling thing that happens in a woman’s life. So you’re about a month that’s great.. morning sickness (if you happen to get it, not all women do) may start within a few weeks and last till your about 3-4 months pregnant. However no women are the same and there’s no way to predict if you’ll get it and how long it’ll last if you do.. (Oh and by the way don’t let the name “morning sickness” fool you I had it this pregnancy for about a month and it was always in the late afternoon.. last pregnancy it was morning AND night) If you happen to get morning sickness try keeping something salty, you can make raw chips and keep them next to your bed or have a nori (I’m not sure if they are salty or not) before you even get out of bed (On the SAD diet they recommend saltine crackers or chips).
This is a site with a list of herbs that are ok to take while pregnant and herbs that should be avoided (and the reasons why): http://www.naturalchildbirth.org/natural/resour…
I would also recommend eating dates because they are a great source of folic acid, minerals and calories, purslane (edible weed) for the Omega-3 in it, and spinach for the iron (you will definately need more iron now to keep you from being anemic and help the baby to build a good blood supply)
Also don’t worry if you get a non-raw craving it’s not uncommon to crave things you wouldn’t normally eat during pregnancy, just be careful how much you eat if it’s not raw. Also if you feel yourself craving something non-edible such as dirt, nails, laundry detergent, styrofoam, etc… you should definately see your OBGYN because you may be having a defiency in something. This is called Pica and is not harmful unless you eat the thing you’re craving.. it can usually be solved by finding out what your defiency is and taking the proper supplments/nutrient-rich foods.
Untill you get into the second trimester I would just try to take things easy and get as much fresh air, exercise (low intensity and low impact) and good raw food as I can and enjoy this new time in your life!!
I’m still waiting for my little bundle of joy (who now seems to NOT want to come out) and I can tell you that even thought I had a few complications and health issues during this pregnancy I wouldn’t trade a day of it for all the world. Being pregnant is a beautiful thing and a it’s so amazing to feel and watch a new life growing inside you!!
Congratulations again and sorry if this is a long post but it’s finally something I know about and I’m excited to be able to share!!!
Good luck and lots of love K-Mom
I’m pregnant too. I was 100 percent until about 2 weeks ago. Now, i’m luck to eat fruit in a day. Everything just turns me off. I would def. recommend downloading jinjee’s book on raw preg/birth. www.thegardendiet.com. It’s only like ten bucks. It’s incredibly inspiring. Last pregnancy i was throwing up everywhere but this pregnancy i feel great. I def. think the raw preg. makes a difference! Jinjee talks about in her book how morning sickness is a result of cooked food. So hopefully you won’t have to worry! There is a raw pregnancy group on yahoo too.
I feel alot better after reading your replys. You have no IDEA! Oh yes you do! I have been craving Nori like crazy and ate 3 sheets in one day (with raw veggies in it). I could eat those veggie wraps morning noon and night and Mangos. I have been transitioning to raw slowly but now it seems easier that I am not eating for myself. Is there anything I should tell my OBGYN about my raw eating? I am so scared that I will get out in public and just barf everywhere. Or I will be sitting in class and have to run out like some lunatic. I am a rather severe emetophobic and just the thought of barfing is enough to make me sick. Oh well. I am going to look into downloading that book. Thank you for the recommendation!
I’m also pregnant, with twins, and really struggling to stay at least high raw. fortunately the all day ‘morning sickness’ has passed. I downloaded Jinjee’s book and found it inspiring and helpful. I’m headed back to the raw path after dealing with weeks of craving baked potatos and rice. I highly recommend a midwife and not your standard OB. Midwives are generally way more open to what can be considered an alternative lifestyle and won’t fear monger you. Even if you aren’t planning a homebirth, you may feel more comfortable with a midwife. interview a few, you’ll be glad you did. Congrats and well wishes.
Wow I thought I was the only pregnant lady who just craved potatos and rice for a while.. (actually I thought it was just the Irish in me) then it was bananas and dates.. now it’s pomogranets.. I’m thinking hey, at least I’m craving raw now.. I wouldn’t worry about telling your OB about your diet unless he/she brings it up. They might not even care but will try and talk you into eating the “Oh so SAD” diet because that’s what they’ve been trained to do and to advise pregnant women.. I agree with mtnflwr that midwives are usually more acceptable but they are not usually covered by insurance so you’d have to pay out-of-pocket for their care.. Oh and about the barfing, I wouldn’t worry so much about it the only time I ever really felt that sick is if I got out of bed too quickly with an empty stomach. If you take it easy when standing up and try to have a little snack in bed you should be fine.. But you might find yourself running out of class to go pee every half an hour. Oh the joy!
I can’t order Jinjee’s book (no credit cards here in Kurdistan and no bank accounts either) but I’ve heard good things about the book.. So I can’t recommend it either way.
Wishing you the best of luck! K-Mom