Hello all!
I want to introduce myself and tell you all about my raw lifestyle coaching services. I am raw foodist that went raw to cure my fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, obesity and other chronic health issues. During my raw journey back to vibrant health I realized that the biggest obstacle to going and staying 100% raw was the emotional and mental aspects of such a large lifestyle change. I learned a lot of very helpful techniques and strategies to deal with these issues. I am psychology student pursuing my Phd and use many of the latest methods that research has proven to be effective in helping people reach their goals. I decided to start coaching others to assist them on their journey to greater health and happiness. I offer affordable, support phone sessions with email follow up support. You don’t have to struggle alone! As a former compulsive over eater and junk food addict I know that if I can eat 100% raw and be very happy and balanced in my relationship with food that anyone can.
Please visit my website at www.rawhealing.com to read my story and find out more about my services.
All the best,
Sounds great, Audrey… welcome to the site!
Welcome Audrey!
Sounds like you are pretty knowledgeable about raw foods! What is your opinion on super foods?
Hi James,
I don’t believe in superfoods. The body itself is “super”. : -) Our bodes do the healing, not any substances we put it in it. We get all the nutrition we need from plain old fruits, veggies, and much smaller amounts of nuts and seeds.
That makes sense. Our bodies are super!
Mono dieting really seems like the way to go. Was it hard for you go start? Did you transition into it from something before?
Hi It’s great to meet you, love your approach to superfoods, feel exactly the same way :) I went to your website and saw your before and afters – wow! you must feel amazing, and you look so, so different, it is a total change that is so lovely to see. Zoe
Hi James and Zoe!!
Thanks for the compliments!!!
Mono eating is the ideal of eating raw. No one should rush into it. I took several years to get here. I wouldn’t have felt satisfied being mono when I first went raw. Raw recipes and transitional foods have an important part to play in helping us feel more entertained and stimulated by our food. Over time your body will let you know when it wants to start simplifying. Trust your intuition and trust your body.
All the best,