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Hi Tia, living RAW is THE best way to cure, Yes cure
diabetes! Welcome RAW newbie. To not lose weight you have to eat many Healthy fats like avocado, lots of nuts and seeds, coconut oil.
Lots of bananas and other fruits is very good also but I do not know how your bloodsugar Will react on this. Fructose in fruits is in general, not a problem at all because of the fibres and nutrients in it. Just try and you will know.
You have to eat a lot! A lot! Train yourself to learn to eat serious ammounts of food. Take your time.
Buy a blender girl. Then you can put easily 10 Bananas in iT and eat it like a smoothie nicecream.
See THE you tube movie How to cure diabetes in 30 days.
Good luck!
And nutbutter
Every Day a couple of spoons, in a smoothie, on top of a meal or directly in your mouth!
You should download Cronometer and enter everything you ingest. You can then track your necessary energy (calories) and macros (Carbs, Protein, Fats) and see if you're getting all your nutrients. You can make massive changes slowly, such as leaving in some steamed vegs and greens at first so that you can consume a greater quantity.
You will have to test your glucose ALOT to see which foods affect you. I am not diabetic but I see a huge increase with many starches while other people may not. Huge for me is only a reading of 110 or 115 but that's 10-15 points higher than other foods. And my glucose stays higher for many hours after many starches, but not most fruit. Everyone is different. You can enter your readings on Cronometer, too after you test and eat.
Add 2 TBS flaxseed meal per day (NOT OIL) for your Omega 3 and also calories. It is the "seed and nut" category. You can add a LITTLE date for sweet or calories depending on your GLUCOSE READINGS.
You can view OKraw youtube channel for alot of fantastic info especially about using the blender to combine your raw foods if you get sick of chewing every meal. I'm not a huge fan of Raw Christina recipes because I think she relies too much on nuts and dates. And she's almost a Fructarian.
Test before eating, 1 hour after, then 2 hrs after. If it's still elevated, test until you see it go back to pre eating level. It's important to test your glucose all day long, not just focus on fasting blood glucose because every time it goes "high" all day long is impacting your body. So you want to not just hide and focus on making your "fasting" good. Which isn't that easy anyway since high fasting readings are common.
While your goal is to control your glucose and carbs, over time you can HEAL your body and even have the basis of your diet BE carbs. After all, greens and vegs are carbs too yet have protein.
Dont' forget your beans, if you need calories, at least 1 cup per day minimum and the veggies that give you the most calories. Not JUST fruit. Also sprouts.
I was NOT getting enough calories on pure raw and went to High Raw which means about 80% raw 10-20% steamed. Because I'm doing this for therapeutic reasons - lipid panel and I lost 35 lbs without really trying. But I did need to lose. But not at a very low caloric level which I didn't want to mess with.
I suggest not snacking all day, too.
Please watch this youtube channel Mastering Diabetes where people are healing their bodies WITH carbs over time both for Type 2 (reversing) and even Type 1 extremely low insulin required.
But following Dr Cousens or even Fuhrman and McDougall you will see massive improvements quickly.
Cut out all crap processed food, all animal products, sugar, salt, oils, and shoot for a lb of raw greens and veggies and a lb of steamed at first. Then also fruits, then some nuts and seeds. "Salads are your main meal". Learn how to make "salad dressing" from nuts and vinegar and fruits. There are a million recipes on the site of the doctors I mentioned.
Not saying cut out all sodium. You need a balanced amount of sodium and potassium. Saying cut out added sodium from using SALT on your food.
Eat GBOMBS (Fuhrman) - Greens (and vegs), Beans, Onions, Mushrooms (steamed), and Seeds/Nuts. Lots of cruciferous. Lots of colors. Lots of variety. Rotate your greens don't just pick one and use that.
Go for a walk about 20 minutes after eating.
Do NOT use fake sugars like Splenda they cause glucose/insuline havoc. Stevia may be ok. Swerve, they say is ok but I'm not sure.
Don't SMOKE. Smoking elevates your glucose after eating, let alone the obvious.
Do not drink fluids with your meals. It elevates glucose AND interferes with your stomach acids job.
Very low carb diets also raise glucose.
Watch Dr Cousens documentary Simply Raw.
That is some serious food science!
I completely and totally agree with this. There are ways to not lose weight. This is definitely one of them.