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"Eating too healthy can make you get sick faster than eating a regular diet...." what the world thin

So I tried the Hemp Seed Truffles off the Raw on $10 a Day or Less's website, posted a photo on my fbook album raw food adventures, and one of my friends started getting down on me for it, called them "bird food." Then she proceeded to call subway healthy food.....lol (reminded me of the Raw Food Kids video by the Boutenkos)

Here's the funniest part: "lol your body will succeed if you feed it what it needs. Your body needs sugars and carbs and stuff. Eating "too healthy" can make you get sick faster than eating a regular diet."

We need natural sugars and "stuff", not artificial or heated or processed. If you eat the right types of fats all the time along with balanced raw living, it won't make you get sick faster than eating regular.

Anybody else had encounters like this?


  • powerliferpowerlifer Raw Newbie

    Theres alot of bogus information on both sides, sadly alot the raw articles ive read are just as bad.

    But how anyone can think subway is healthy is beyond me lol.


  • Hmm, I've had a few encounters, but nothing over facebook.

    I tried to speak about my decision to become a raw foodist to a friend a few days ago. Given, it was one of only two cooked food days (I didn't eat exclusively cooked, but my three main meals were), and so that didn't do much to help my point.

    He was nice about it though saw it as a restricting diet. I have lost a lot of weight lately so he may have even thought it was to lose more.

    I have had family friends call it extremism.

    I have also heard the same argument you got--about being too healthy.

    Overall, I think a lot of it has to do with semantics, and with better communication there would be less disagreements between us. I also don't know anyone in person who has read the literature pertaining to raw foodism that I have, and I haven't read what they have, so I totally understand why our views would differ. After all, we've all heard it or read it from somewhere.

    Although yes, apart from the reading, I do feel great on a raw diet. But I mainly decided to up the raw in my diet (I am up to about 80% now) because of discomfort I got from eating cooked. They might be fine with cooked and so I understand why their advice to me is to do what they do.

    :) Much love!

  • Nothing gets the blood of otherwise rational people angried up faster than food (politics, religion, snacks). There's so much baggage attached to it, that it's almost impossible to discuss anything outside of the mainstream about food unless the person you're talking to happens to have come to a point where they're seeking.

    Now, simply posting a pretty picture of a delicious snack on Facebook shouldn't elicit a diatribe, but a lot of people are really sensitive to this stuff. They're so ego driven that they see everything that goes agains the story they've been telling themselves as an indictment or a slam against them. I try not to talk about raw food (or veganism) with anyone unless the question asker is sincere (even if it's a friend). Talking about delicious recipes and sharing treats with my friends seems to keep things mellow. I don't usually take things further.

  • greenwoodgreenwood Raw Newbie

    Funnily enough, I have not had one negative comment about my change to high raw vegan- not even from my family. My friends think it's good- prob cos I'm eating about 90% organic and the eczema is slowly getting better.One of my friends has done a bit of high raw/wholefood with me- she had a meal at mine and liked it a lot.

  • hikurohikuro Raw Newbie

    I've gotten something similar, or perhaps the exact opposite. I recently started 30 days of 100% raw, and when people ask me what I eat and I tell them fruits and vegetables I get 'That doesn't sound very healthy.' I know there's a lot of controversy and different views in all of nutrition... but when people are eating Taco Bell or cake telling you that a fruit and vegetable diet isn't healthy... and this wasn't an isolated incident. Granted I don't discuss my diet(or much of anything) with many people, the 4-5 people that know what I'm doing have all had the same reaction.

  • I get the feeling a lot of times too that most people think I'm an extremist.

    Yeah.....that was the first outright negative comment I've gotten on my raw photos. Most people comment positively & would like to try some of the recipes & I've given at least 4 of my recipes away. The whole reason I post those photos is to show the variety of raw food, how yummy, beautiful and easy they can be to make, and to also "lure" people into trying it. I'm so glad the Creator of the universe made variety....

    I guess when people see someone who eats healthy all the time they might feel bad inside that they don't and have to say something partially negative to make up for that feeling.

    Hikuro: most people probably associate that if you eat too much fruit all the time you'll get too much sugar in your system, but if you eat fruit along with vegetables & nuts & seeds it's a totally balanced diet.

  • powerliferpowerlifer Raw Newbie

    I guess like you say theres a little bit of jealousy involved that those cant muster the dedication it takes to follow a healthy diet.

    Its the same with those who regularly exercise, when i was heavy into my exercise people would say i was obsessed because i didnt want to go out drinking and taking drugs with them.

    Crazy world


  • greenwoodgreenwood Raw Newbie

    Yes, there seems to be a sub culture of people who think it is "cool" not to eat fruit and vegetables and live on junk food. I've met many such. They say things like "I don't eat vegetables," as if it is something silly or geeky to do.I knew a guy at university and he and his girlfriend only ate meat and potatoes- he was one of those people who gave me a funny look for eating fruits and vegetables. When I told him he was missing out on vital nutrients he just repeated that he didn't eat vegetables and fruit and only ate meat and potatoes as if I was crazy for suggesting it.I saw him recently and he had put weight on and looked a lot older than I (and he's around my age).

    And have you noticed the stink of junk food? It comes out in peoples' pores- a horrible sickly sour smell. It's revolting- sometimes when on the bus I'm holding my nose.

  • Yeah, don't you love it when people say "come onnnn, live a little!". Like waking up spaced out, hung over, only to be crabby, depressed and miss a nice workout or an early morning walk... YEAH that's living. Whatever SAD people...

    Here's a great example - I have an uncle who has been hospitalized twice due to kidney/gall stones. He says he can't have dairy unless he drinks a bunch of "lemonade" (something with the citric acid). So he downs all this sugary Country Time crap. I tried to tell him how dangerous that is (hello pancreas)- and his wife is severly diabetic! So, I offered to make him raw vegan treats so he could have chocolate which he loves - he wouldn't even try it. "I want to have a life!" he says. Ok, dude, have fun in the hospital....

    Sorry, I'm pretty much venting at this point. But seriously?

  • greenwoodgreenwood Raw Newbie

    Sorry to hear about your uncle beaglelove. It's a shame that he thinks that eating healthy isn't having a life.

    I have been meaning to ask you- what bitter herbs did you have that cleared your eczema?

    I have the adaptogen liquorice root and it seems to be helping- the eczema is fading and the pine bark I'm also taking stops the itching.

  • Hi Greenwood :) Glad to hear your eczema is improving. The bitter herbs I take are by GAIA Herbs - Called "Sweetish Bitters". They are in liquid form and I just squirt some on the back of my tonque before each meal. However, it is the adaptogenic herbs that really made an immediate difference with my eczema. I still have tiny patches on my eyelids that come and go but I think eventually they'll stay away. Things that used to drive my eczema, no longer have much of an impact. The freedom is wonderful :) The bitters seem to slowly be helping with other issues like digestion of fats, etc.

    Hang in there - you'll get there!

  • powerliferpowerlifer Raw Newbie

    my ex girlfriends mum fell out with me permantly because i wouldnt eat her meals lol. They would always consist of fried food in MASSIVE and i mean MASSIVE portions, plates full of chips, fried eggs, sausages, bacon you name it.

    So when i started to bring my own salads it really annoyed her and caused a huge strain on the relationship. That really annoyed me at the time because i was eating healthy for health reasons and needed too.


  • Raw PassionRaw Passion Raw Newbie

    The thing is I hate most is how people tell me I lead an unhappy, restricted life. The thing I hear ALL the time is 'I'd rather enjoy life!' What the hell do they think Im doing, making myself miserable on purpose?

    My response is 'By all means do so, but I will enjoy mine longer'

    I dont feel restricted or deprived, I eat cake for breakfast frequently, I dont get ill so my life isnt comsumed with laying in a darkened room feeling sorry for myself, I look better for it so I take less time preparing to go out, I have more energy to get more hours out of the day and to enjoy it more, Im in a better mood period. Tell me whose enjoying life more.

    It just really aggitates me that people who barely know me presume to tell me I lead a sad miserable life and they have an amazing one when clearly they dont.

  • greenwoodgreenwood Raw Newbie

    Thanks beaglelove- I too want to experience the freedom of no more eczema! It is still here but lessening. I cannot wait to be free of cold wet bandages on my arms and to have normal skin again.

    "my ex girlfriends mum fell out with me permantly because i wouldnt eat her meals lol. They would always consist of fried food in MASSIVE and i mean MASSIVE portions, plates full of chips, fried eggs, sausages, bacon you name it."

    Ewwwww...maybe she thinks that's what a "man" should eat. Did she herself and her daughter eat such "food"?

    "So when i started to bring my own salads it really annoyed her and caused a huge strain on the relationship. That really annoyed me at the time because i was eating healthy for health reasons and needed too."

    Gosh, even in Greece when I was teaching English, and a vegeterian, and one of my students took me to her families' houses they weren't offended by me eating only the salads, cheeses, fruits and cakes. And they are big meat eaters there. They thought me a bit odd, but I was a foreigner so I suppose they made allowances for it. I did eat lots of what was vegeterian so I suppose they were pleased I ate up.;)

    "The thing is I hate most is how people tell me I lead an unhappy, restricted life. The thing I hear ALL the time is 'I'd rather enjoy life!' What the hell do they think Im doing, making myself miserable on purpose?"

    I would tell them that I'm not unhappy nor restricted- that I'm not eating adulterated "food" that makes me unwell.

    "I dont feel restricted or deprived, I eat cake for breakfast frequently, I dont get ill so my life isnt comsumed with laying in a darkened room feeling sorry for myself, I look better for it so I take less time preparing to go out, I have more energy to get more hours out of the day and to enjoy it more, Im in a better mood period. Tell me whose enjoying life more."

    Well, in 10 years' time who will be the happiest and healthiest eh..;)

    "It just really aggitates me that people who barely know me presume to tell me I lead a sad miserable life and they have an amazing one when clearly they dont."

    People are so ignorant of health that they are happy to eat non- food, additives and smelly hydrogenated fats. It is seen as "cool" to eat rubbish and geeky to enjoy fruit. Weird if you ask me.I was in my kitchen this morning and the smell of my organic peaches rose fragrantly in the air inviting me to eat their deliciousness..I'm saving you for tonight, I told them. Two of them have since been consumed, alongside a passion fruit. I honestly enjoy them more than some sugary, additive laden pastry from the supermarket.

  • powerliferpowerlifer Raw Newbie

    Yeah greenwood, she and her daughter would eat that herself but if she left any she'd go into a mood also. People are so funny about food. Id have possibly even been willing to compromise at the time if everything wasnt fried.

    But i was having so many digestive/health problems that i just wasnt willing to get more ill for her own satisfaction.


  • swayzeswayze Raw Newbie

    The thing is, a raw vegan diet is a restrictive diet. I eat fruit, greens, nuts and seeds, but I don't eat meat, cheese, milk, butter, eggs, bread, potatoes, etc. I don't eat these foods because they are not appropriate for human consumption.

    So when someone comments that my diet is too restrictive, I counter that I only restrict the foods that are not health promoting. Otherwise, I eat as much as I want. How many other diets can honestly offer that? :)



  • sv3sv3 Raw Newbie

    Can't remember where I read it but someone once said something along the lines of "I'd rather talk about politics or religion before I discuss my food/diet choices"...I totally agree!

    There's nothing like food/diet to get people hot under the collar.

    I'm learning to watch what I say and also be compassionate towards people who are obviously ignorant/deluded. A few years back, I wouldn't have understood why someone would be raw vegan either so I need to remember that and not judge other people. Easier said than done, I know. :-)

  • powerliferpowerlifer Raw Newbie

    Luckily i have armed myself with a decent amount of knowledge so that when those try to attack my dietary habits i can quickly turn the convo onto them lol. But if someones asking then i can also teach them that such and such is still available on this lifestyle and so on.

    I dont get as much questions as i usually do, its more when i go visiting or partys people will try egg(no pun) me on to eat burgers, hot dogs, cakes and wont give up expecting me to give in.

    Although i never do:)

    I get the usual questions also "dude what you on a diet for your not needing to lose weight", my response is mate its not a diet its a lifestyle and its for my health sigh.


  • Sometimes people see what you eat and then when you try to explain to them why certain things are so bad for them they automatically stop listening to you and assume your wrong just because your an "extremist who eats raw all the time."

  • greenwoodgreenwood Raw Newbie

    powerlifer- I can't understand why those women you knew would want to eat such fatty food- women put weight on so much easier than men do.

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