Am I the only one in this club?

The 'I hate Durian' club. I tried it and its the most repulsive thing I've ever tried. The smell made me sick and the fruit itself - though I tried a small amount - made me feel sick, it smelt and tasted like sick and for ages after I had disgusting burps.

I feverishly brushed my teeth after and ate loads to try and disguise it. I was upset as so many raw fooders raved about it that I was sure I was in for a Raw High but the opposite and yet I've never seen anyone who hates it.

So I've come to you guys are you in or out of this fan club?


  • AVLAVL Raw Newbie

    It's so funny you say that because I tried for the first time last weekend and I didn't like it either. The smell of it wasn't too bad but it tasted like sauteed onions...yuk! I also had that taste in my mouth all evening and the next morning despite brushing my teeth A LOT of times.

    I don't want to say that I want to be part of that "I hate durian club" because I think that I will probably give it another try eventually. It's probably an aquired taste rather than an innate one. Maybe if it's blended into a smoothie wtih other stuff the taste wouldn't be as strong.

  • joannabananajoannabanana Raw Newbie

    ahah audrey, this post was written for you.

  • AVLAVL Raw Newbie

    Ha Ha!!! You are right Joanna, it was TOTALLY written for me :) What a coincidence!

  • what is Durian?

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