Tips for removing sunflower seed skins

Any tips? I tried it and there didn’t seem to be a good way to do this. Some of the skins floated, but most kind of settled down close to the seeds. So I left them in the water then took all the water out. Then my seeds started sprouting…and being new I had no idea what to do with them so I tossed them in the garbage :-( I hated to do it, but I was at a loss how to get the rest of the skins off. Please advise


  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    kwwp draning and adding fresh water, and i used astrainer thingy to skim the surface then i would stir and use the strainer then repeat then rinse ect i got most of mine! my strainer is for loose tea leaves it does a pretty good job!

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