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  • troublesjustabubbletroublesjustabubble Raw Newbie

    Disco Biscuit! Sweetness! I only know a couple rawbies here. What part of the city are in?

    My sister’s name is Ashley. Weird.

  • Yay-yah Troubles! I’m actually from Overland Park, KS, live in Shawnee, work in KCMO but my husband & I are looking at houses in the Waldo area. What about you? How did you respond so fast? Did you get notified of the post? How does this stuff work?! :)

  • troublesjustabubbletroublesjustabubble Raw Newbie

    you know it’s incredibly random but I haven’t gone to the introduction’s area in forever and I thought I’d just look and see if there was anyone from KC. haha. So here I am! I don’t have it on notification or anything.

    It’s fate!

    I’m in Raytown/KC area and work in Kansas City, Kansas. Are you a part of Kansas City raw meetup?

  • No, but I found out about a month or so ago. Have you been to it? I’m kinda intimidated about going to a meeting in my current state (I put 80lbs on before our wedding last year!). I know everyone would surely be accepting but raw person’s pix are so radiant! This chubby girl just needs to man-up! :) heehee

  • troublesjustabubbletroublesjustabubble Raw Newbie

    haha hey, everyone starts somewhere and there are plenty of people fighting weight with raw.

    I’ve already lost twenty five pounds since May 1st! So don’t get discouraged!

    When did you get married? I got married last year.

  • True. True. 25lbs?! That’s awesome! No, that’s Rawesome! ;)

    Josh & I got married 4-14-07 in Brookside. How about you?

    Have you been to the Raw Meetup yet?

  • troublesjustabubbletroublesjustabubble Raw Newbie

    I haven’t been to a potluck yet(which is what I mostly want but have been to busy with other summer activities) but I have gone to a couple fests and they’re really fun! Although, you do have to know that there are going to be some really extreme people at them. haha

    We were married on 7/21/07. You’ve got us beat!

  • Wonderful! Congratulations!

    Well, I’d better get back to work, but I’m so glad I found another mid-westerner so close who has some of the same interests!

    Hope to talk with you again soon. Take care! :)

  • troublesjustabubbletroublesjustabubble Raw Newbie


    I’ll definitely contact you!

  • swayzeswayze Raw Newbie

    Hi everyone!

    I was 100% 811rv for 5 straight months earlier this year. I was very close to my ideal weight, my hair, skin and teeth looked awesome, and I felt great. Then, I went on vacation in July. I really thought that I would not have any problems sticking to my diet, but it was just too hard for me. I never realized what a huge role food plays during vacation. I felt really left out and just unhappy.

    Anyway, I came home and got right back on track. Since then, I’ll stay on the diet for a good 3 weeks and then cave. It’s really frustrating because I was in such a good place just 3 months ago.

    Now I have been raw since (October 1) and I really want to stay that way. I think joining this forum and a few others will really help me.

    I hope that I can help others who need it as well. Anyone, feel free to private message me or shoot me an email.

    Good luck, Swayze :)

  • Hey,

    I’m living in NYC and have been 100% raw vegan for a month now. I’ve always eaten a lot of raw fruit (when I was eleven/twelve I found this old book in the book case – Raw Energy, reading it completely changed the way I ate. I still ate a little crap but along with a LOT of raw fruit). Last year I found some more old books, Fit for Life and Fitonics, which had quite and influence as well.

    So now that I’m in freshman year and the only food I eat is the food that only I’ve bought, I can buy what I want.

    I really wanna start making some raw deserts soooo bad. I made a simple raw brownie last week which even SAD guys liked : )

  • Hi, my name is Candace. I live in Florida between Gainesville and Jacksonville. I have been trying to eat healthier for a while. I have had many yeast problems so first I gave up all sugar and white flour and switched to green tea. I just bought Natalia’s book The Raw Food Detox diet. I have had a cancer scare and it is still ongoing. They at first thought I had viral warts in my throat. Now they say it is squamous. For years I have been trying to tell my doctors I have symptoms that sound like Sarcodosis but no one will listen to me. The sun makes me sick, whites of eyes red, fatigue, suspicious chest xray that they later said was just calcium deposits. While I am waiting I decided to join up here and try to go raw. I am worried that it will cost me a lot at the store and my husband will flip out. I am going to start an organic Fall garden to help with the cost. I need to get a blender and juicer. Any help will be appreciated. and p.s. I can’t seem to change my user name or login name and I can’t get a photo to upload.

  • emtpdmomemtpdmom Raw Newbie

    Welcome Candace. I was hoping you would post today. I’ve just visited your flicker and your pictures are absolutely gorgeous. I stopped at page 20, but bookmarked it so I can go back later. Gone Raw is an absolute treasure trove of information. Kandace and Ray (the creators of Gone Raw) are currently upgrading this wonderful site. Therefore, any glitches that currently exist (making changes, uploading pictures, etc.) will not be addressed on this format. We’re all waiting eagerly for the new release.

  • Thank you so much Brenda for your kind reply. I am going to adapt a mostly grazing,mostly raw diet. Because I believe many of my problems have started with an unbalance of alkaline vs acid, and over abundance of yeast, I am careful of what nuts, supplements and veggies I eat. For instance. I got organic yam and organic avocado. I got some miso tea which I love but I need to know if it has mushrooms in it. I must limit any food high in fungus, or if I cannot do that, I must cook them. Since my husband will not be following this diet. It will be easiest for me to cook what he likes and fix my stuff mainly veggies separate. I like raw sweet potato or yams. I may lightly steam some veggies. I doubt I will be using a dehydrater. I must keep my costs down. But I love the natural raw zucchini recipes I have found. With raw tomato sauce. I will start a Fall garden so I can have my own organic fruits and veggies. And I will definitely get a blender and juicer. I am also thinking about getting this water system, very expensive which take all bad sediment out of water, basically it ionizes the water like distilled but gives it natural flavor. I save the web site, they are expensive but worth it. I have well water. It is not healthy water. Probably contaminated with Giardia. We use Pur filters for now and bottled spring water. Which worries me because of the plastic. I may switch to glass bottled water. We Are also becoming HUGE environmentalist. We return all recyclables. I am using my own bags for shopping. We return all recyclable plastics. I wish we could have a world with no plastic, no microwaves. But until that day. Oh well. I am scared right now. Waiting for my results from my Ct Scan. Does anyone know if Miso tea is high in fungus? I love it. I see some recipes using Aspergillus. I will skip those. I will probably not make recipes. Just eat everything as in grazing. I love this Cuban coconut dessert, squares. I think I can adapt it, make it raw with no dairy. I will try and post it if it turns out.

  • Raw_OrleansRaw_Orleans Raw Newbie

    Candace... You should look into Graviola, Essiac and Astragalus Extract Plus if You have Cancer issues... However There is a Disinformation campaign against these products (Probably Paid For By Big Pharma) So you may find Derogatory Information concerning Them... You can find these products at www.Iherb.Com ... If You want to Buy something Use My Referral Code DEW156 For a $5.00 Discount off Your First Purchase... Join The Referral Program and Get A 4% Commission When Someone Uses Your Code... Good Luck... I know of a Few Items that are or May be Good For Cancer as well... Like Triple Mushroom Which Contains Mitake, Shitake and Reishi Mushroom... My Mother Died From Breast Cancer a Few Years ago... And My Dad From Prostate Issues... Ever since I've been on The Hunt For supplements to fight Cancer Because If You Parents Have It There is a Good Chance You are Inline To Get it as well... Actually I think That the Astragalus Extract Plus Stuff I mentioned above actually contains Those Mushrooms... My Email address is AcuPuncher@Att.net If You are interested in getting into Direct Contact with Me...

  • Hi, my name is Patrici pronounced Patrice. I live in Phoenix, AZ. I have been raw for a few months now. I do have one cheat meal on Saturday nights where I eat whatever I want. I have been noticing lately that I do not feel right after that meal and I always get a horrible headache the next day. I started eating raw after my best friend from high school was talking about it. I thought I would give it a try. Did my research, bought some "uncook" books and have spent alot of time on the internet researching. I was told that you lose alot of weight which did not happen, although that is not why I started. I did want to lose a little but im sure with time when things even out that will as well. My friend told me how she went on www.meetup.com and found a raw potluck group, but when I did that there were none in my area. So I kinda started one. But I did join a running group, lol. It was really nice to meet others with the same eating habits, and being able to talk about it with others has made it easier for me. All I know is that I used to have acid reflux so badly and now that is gone, which I thought I would have for the rest of my life. I am really enjoying this website and all of the disscussions, its nice to have a place to go to ask questions and not feel like an idiot for it:-) So thank you for all of this.

  • Hello to all! I am wanting to start a raw lifestyle but am very lost! I am currently a vegetarian with bad eating habits, but I am ready to start a new chapter in my. I very tired of putting all these horrible foods in my body. So hopefully I will find guidance and support here!.

  • RawKidChefRawKidChef Raw Newbie

    lol Zoe! I need to try to eat some earth too! How did it make you feel?

  • Raw_OrleansRaw_Orleans Raw Newbie

    Since Your already a Veggie Type You are already like 90% There... It SHould Be Super Easy For you to Go the Other 10%...

  • Greetings!

    Ive been vegetarian for about a year now and Ive been toying with the idea of going raw for quite some time. Ive finally decided to give it a go and am currently entering my second week in this new endeavour. Ive found this site extremely inspiring! However, I must confess: Ive had been spying on this site for quite some before finally becomming a member, so here goes it:

    Hello. My name is Megan and I am rawcurious.

    I look foward to further acquainting myself with this site and the wonderful people involved , and hope that maybe one day I will find inspiration to post some original recipes! ::fingers crossed::

    So, any suggestions for a beginner?? Thankyou!

  • Hello all! I have been a vegetarian for about 10 years, and now raw vegan for 4 months or so. The first month or two were really easy for me. I was totally into recipes and playing with new "raw" gadgets. I have discovered food combinations and experimented with new ingredients and have actually become a pretty good non-cook, if I do say so myself! The web has been undoubtedly the primary reason for my success. I am constantly amazed at the interesting, super yummy creations people come up with. So thanks to all who post recipes! However, a few weeks ago, I had a cooked vegan lunch, and now every few days I find myself saying, what the hell, I'll have some of that! Its a slippery slope. Now I have candida issues, so its going to be rough going for a while. No fruit or chocolate-my staples :( bummer. I'll definitely be checking in for some candida-friendly (or would that be killer!) ideas.

    BTW- I live in (Mt. Airy) Philadelphia, PA. If anyone is around here- please say hello! Other than a monthly potluck I know only a few vegetarians who end up loving my food, but then I'm stuck with all the heavy lifting! Would love to meet some raw fooders to share the load :)

  • Hello everyone =]

    i've just decided to become a raw vegan in august... but my family wasnt behind me so i didnt go right in becuz i wouldnt get nutritoin or anything without reading and constintly learning about how to do it right (i didnt want to get sick)... now i got my families support and they're behind me 100% ITS GREAT. we mess up but im sure we are going to make it =D !! && finding this website will be a big help in myfamilies success. thank you every one =]

    oh and the names lisa =] (obviously) oh and i cant spell to well sorry

  • Hi everybody,

    I'm so happy I found this site..I have learned so much! I decided to transition to raw about a month or so ago after reading about it. I just found it fascinating and so true. I am hoping to lose weight and get rid of my asthma and thyroid issues along with the weight. I started out by giving up coffee and changing to mostly decaf tea and by giving up diet sodas which I knew were terrible but kept drinking anyway. I had not been much of a carnivore the last year or two other than some occasional chicken or fish so that shouldn't be too difficult. I do like my baked potato with cheese on top so...anyone have any alternatives?

    I am in northeastern Pa. and we don't seem to have anything much in the way of raw restaurants or health food stores. One I believe. What does everyone think about drinking Naked juice or something similar until I get a juicer? Thanks!

  • Hi Folks,

    I'm Elizabeth, Betty the Whip is my roller derby track name :) I'm up here in snowy and cold Ottawa, Canada. I found Gone Raw while sniffing around the web for yummy recipes and must say that I'm impressed with what I've seen so far. I've been veg for 15 years and raw vegan for a little less than a month and loveing the change. I'm still cooking vegitarian dinners for my girl friend and I, partly because I love to cook this type of food and partly to ease every one involved into the changes in my diet, myself included. I'm really looking forward to learning new ways to prepare food and getting to meet some new and like mineded folks.


  • Hi all! I havent' exactly gone raw yet, but I plan to when I come off the Master Cleanse I'm currently on. And then it probably won't be 100% raw, more like 75% to start with. Anyway, I'm a cancer survivor and am looking for a way to control my weight as well. (Lose some, then control!) I'm glad to have found this spot and look forward to getting to know y'all!

    I'm in Florida, married with 3 cats and am a writer and jewelry maker by profession.

  • joannabananajoannabanana Raw Newbie

    welcome writer girl!! i'm on a juice fast right now, but have been taking the master cleanse with me during the day when i'm at work. i'm definitely cleaned out and i feel so much better!!! how long is your cleanse and what do you think of it???

    i'm about 75% raw, too, but i have a feeling that i'll eventually be 100%. one of my favorite foods is hummus so it's hard to find a raw replacement!!

    anyway, i hope you like the site and the amazing recipes on here!! i'm addicted already haha

  • emtpdmomemtpdmom Raw Newbie

    Joannabanana, check out Ofek's Real Hummus (pane #2). I'm not a hummus expert, but this one comes highly recommended. The URL posted with the recipe is not a working link. It's posted for Kandace and Ray's reference. This is one of the older recipes that did not translate into the remake of the website. Luckily, Bluedolfin had a copy and shared. Enjoy! ;-)

  • Hi Joannabanana! I'm on Day 10 of my cleanse and plan to go to 17 days (I'd planned 21, but forgot about an upcoming trip). The cleanse is going great this time - I have tons of energy and have been working out like a rock star. (This is my second cleanse.) I adore hummus too - it's one of my most favorite foods and also one of my reasons for not going 100% raw. Tabbouleh might be the other one. lol

  • Hey everyone.

    I'm in SC. Already joined last year but can't seem to activate the old account since the new website was created (?). Probably my error. Wondering if there are any raw food interest groups in Columbia, SC? This web site is wonderful!

  • Yogi - not sure but does anyone knwo of a similar group in toronto ??

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