Been 100% raw for two months now, yaaay! Anyways, I have a question for everybody. Since the end of the school year (I finally graduated!!) my mom has become completly supportive of my diet. She understands the importance of high raw (she about 75% - 85% raw herself on any given week), doesn't quite understand how or why I have chosen to go 100% raw 100% of the time, but she believes I know what I'm doing and respects my decision. So now that we have more time this summer my mom wants to start having at least one meal together as a family which consists of myself, my mother, and my 15 year old brother. My mom is hoping that if my brother (who is SAD vegetarian) sees herself eating a lot of fresh, live, and whole fruits, veg, with some cooked grains, and myself with my ALL live food, that it will be a good influence on him. We are also hoping it will help us come together closer as a family unit. So my question is what sort of lunches could I make that my might get my brother curious? He barely eats fruit, and it it's green you can forget it! I like stuff pretty simple these days and I'm pretty "hardcore" when it comes to my meals. I want him to see though that live food can be really scrumptious! Any recipe ideas?
Pastas, soups, wraps, sushi?
He hates sushi and isn't big on soup. I guess I'm saying he has very limited tastes, more like a little kid who finds something he likes and sticks with it? He loves spicy stuff, but not complicated stuff. Did that make any sense to anybody?
Zucchini pastas with a simple spicy tomato dressing might be good to start with. I have had success converting people, or at least getting them to not laugh at me by starting out with desserts. Something like a chocolate mouse, fruit pies or ice cream are very very delicious and sweet, simple enough for kids to enjoy. Something I have also tried is having foods around that are accepted in an SAD diet that are already raw, for example salads, guacamole, ceviche (though not vegan), salsas, corn salads, etc. My little brothers felt more comfortable when I was eating these kinds of foods still and that raw food wasn't just some strange "fad" and that we were able to eat some of the same things and still feel connected.