Going Camping

What do I do? What is the most important to bring?

I do not have a ton of space so I wanted suggestions on what I should bring. We'll be gone for 5 days.

I do have electricity(juicing):)




  • Hey FitnessFreak!

    I've been raw for over 2 years and we camp every summer. I have found it quite easy to be raw while camping, but I definitely don't juice during that time. Instead I focus on what some call mono-eating. For example, a whole cantalope for breakfast, lots of salads (I take a grater to grate carrots and beets) and I always have olive oil and lemons on hand. I brought lots of raw bars, dehydrated fruit and nuts, but I found that I didn't really eat much of this and bought local fruit and veggies from the farmers near the park where we camped. I was always biking, or running, or swimming, so it was a really great way to supercharge my fitness regime.

    Oh yea! and don't forget the dulse flakes for salty stuff, like avocados, and goji berries - mmmm.

    Good luck and where are you going?

  • Thanks rAWngish teechr! I actually was thinking of doing the Raw Diva Detox while there. It sounds similar to your camping fare. I also have "trail mix" that is just hemp seed and bee pollen mixed. The only reason I am bringing the juicer is for green juice. I am trying to detox my colon. I think it's a little mad at me.

    I am in the midst of a heavy weight regime and this next week will be my active rest week, thank goodness! I really want to use this time productively. The best part is, if I don't have Raw comfort food with me, I can't eat it:) That means my cheesy kale chips stay home:( I'll make sure to eat the rest of them before I leave, heeheehee...


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